My favorite moment from Outdoor School was at the campfire on the last day Mountain Goat (one of the counslers) was telling us a story and it went like this(read with a surfer dude voice): ” One day when I went to the beach there were some really huge waves but I couldn’t seem to get a wave so (Don’t try this at home (his exact words) I stole some one else’s wave and it worked till when he came behind me his surfboard fin cut me in the back luckily not to deep but just deep enough to draw blood. So, as I was walking a huge wave ran over me and as it was pushing me towards a rock I used my surfboard to protect me and ended up breaking it in half. After that I had enough and went to go grab my sandals from where I hid them but to my discovery I found that someone had stolen them so with no shoes grabed my stuff and walked across the hot concrete to the sidewalk to call a taxi but to my suprise my wallet had washed out of my board shorts so without noticing the man next to me sat down on the bench in frustration. Finally noticing the man next to me I studied his features an as I noticed he was very old and compared to him I was in way better condition yet he was smiling so I asked him, ” Sir, why are you smiling? ” and I had to say it in spanish because I was in Central America and he montined for me to come closer and closer and closer to the point when my ear was to his mouth he did the strangest thing he got up and( this is the part you do it as well) shook his head and said “Cabeza! Cabeza! Cabeza! Cabeza!” then move his shoulders up an down and said,”Hombros! Hombros! Hombros! Hombros!” jumped up and down pointing at his feet and said “Pie! Pie pie pie pie pie!” and finally move his arm in an S motion and said ” Ojos! Ojos! Ojos! Ojos!” and what he meant by that is he was happy to be alive.

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