Week Nine: Doing my Best

From the Past to the Present and now… My future

When I leave this school I intend to go to Notre Dame High School and from there USC and Harvard Law to get my Masters. Then I hope I will marry a surgeon and maybe have like 3 kids(2 of them twins), but that part is just optional. If I do not feel obliged to marry or have kids I plan to write a book and start a talk show. I love Harvard Law because I dream of becoming a lawyer and it is a really fantastic school. It is my dream job to be to defending people daily whether they’re right old wrong because I believe, “Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.”, Translation: ““No one is guilty until proven innocent.”. The reason I love USC is because I believe the University of Southern California is an amazing school. Their cultural classes are inspiring, while their educational activities are huge and from what I heard each one has its own reason for being special.

Harvard University


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